Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Work Woes

I stuck my hand in some poison ivy this morning at work. I was pulling tall weeds out by the ag engineering building, and there hadn't been any all morning, but there was some as an underlayer that I brushed against. I saw it immediately and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and arms, so we'll see if I look disgusting for the weekend or not. I've only gotten poison ivy once before in my life, but it got all over me and was a miserable experience.

Other than that, I really like my job.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The End of Formula Racing in America

In a bit of racing scandal, only six cars are racing in the US Grand Prix in Indianapolis today. According to my dad, who is at the race, "people are leaving in droves." Watching on TV, there are people all over holding signs saying "$ back."

Apparently, the track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway had been resurfaced poorly, and although it was fixed in most spots, there were some rough spots. Bridgestone tires had been in the US for a while and had compensated for the conditions, but Michelin hadn't experienced the conditions until time trials and practice. The Michelin tires weren't holding up to the conditions, so Michelin flew in tires from France to deliver new tires to the racers, last-minute.

The tire-change was denied, though, and since tire-changes aren't allowed during the race, the Michelin teams pulled out of the race, leaving only 6 cars to race. Watching on TV, the stands are mostly empty. People from all over, particularly Europe, travelled for this race and are none too happy. They were throwing stuff on the track a while ago. Dad says this will be "the end of Formula racing in America."

More information at Racing-Live.com.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Stay Sober for Batman

I went to see Batman Begins tonight, but I can't tell you how it was, because I fell asleep. This had little to do with the movie sucking, however, as I was living the High Life. In fact, the parts of the movie I managed to see were pretty entertaining. Michele and Adam agreed that they both "thought it would be less good," so maybe it's actually good. In any case, I recommend sobriety for a better viewing experience.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

All moved out

Today I finished moving out of the apartment. To celebrate, Adam and I drank the $3.29 bottle of chardonnay that had been floating from person to person for quite some time. This bottle of wine had been in my posession for several months now, and I knew that tonight was the night. Thus, we celebrated. Let me say that the second glass was better than the first.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My Weblogging History

Here is the sordid tale of how I got into "blogging."

The Anti-Live Journal
was my first attempt at this kind of thing, launched into a great existence by the douchiness of Live Journal. Be warned: this is a much more bitter and sarcastic side of myself, a side many have never seen (I'm much nicer now). It's from sophomore year. Actually, I kind of like this. Maybe I'll go back to this cynical view of everything--it would make for more entertaining reading.

After a couple months, I got bored with that format (I'm fickle), thus I created the continuation of The Anti-Live Journal, As Seen On TV. This one has fun new colors, and a picture! (The same picture used in my profile for this blog, in fact.)

And if you really want a glimpse into my past, I give you The Fish Files, the tragically comical (at least, it was comical in real life) account of my freshmen year roommate and her fish. Please note that The Fish Files reads from top to bottom, while the others read from bottom to top. (The Fish Files started as an ongoing Fishcount in my AIM profile when I was a freshmen. It was so entertaining (at least to me) that I decided to put it on the Internet.)

Note: This should keep you all entertained for a few days, as I will be moving/attending graduation and probably won't have time to post for a while. Because I am that interesting to read!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Not Bored, Just Unmotivated

I used to say I loved finals week, because you only have to be somewhere 6 hours out of the whole week. (My TA job, conveniently, never required work during finals week). But now I realize it's really a curse. I need structure, or my life goes to hell.

I haven't gone running all week, and the only reason I left my apartment at all today was to go to Kroger. That sounds okay, except that I've been putting off buying groceries for days now, living on granola bars and oatmeal. When I don't have any real deadlines, I just lose motivation to take care of the stuff that needs to be done.

I have plenty I could be doing: packing for the move, studying for my test tomorrow, renewing my magazine subscription, establishing a forwarding address with the post office, calling to get my prescription refilled, filling out my passport renewal, returning books to the library, etc. And I've had 3 days (minus 2 hours for a test) to do all this, but all I've done is read blogs and the occasional book.

Aa even made me leave the 2nd Harry Potter in Kentucky so I could get stuff done this week. What did I do without my book? I read a different one (Slaughterhouse Five).

It's been threatening to rain all day. If it is indeed raining come 8:00, I'll go running. If not, then this will continue. Someday I will be old and forced into retirement, and then I will go jump off a building.


"[If] you lose one pound of fat and replace it with one pound of muscle, your net gain in calorie burning is four calories a day. Enjoy the celery stick."

-Amby Burfoot in the April 2005 Runner's World

My Air Conditioning Sucks

It is hot, and my air conditioning sucks. Upon coming home from El Vaquero/Graeter's/The Elevator around 11:30, I discovered that my bedroom was considerably warmer than the outdoor temperatures. Unbearably hot. I cannot take it. I will suffocate in here before the night is over.

The air conditioning was on, but no cold air seemed to be coming out of the vents. Changing my clothes, I noticed that the clothes I was putting on actually felt warmer to the touch than the clothes I had been wearing. I will not make it through the night.

I turned off the A/C about an hour ago and opened all the windows, fans a-blastin', to get some of the cooler (75ºF) outside air into my sweltering bedroom. I am sweating as I type this. This is misery. Why doesn't my air conditioning work? Damn second floor. Damn June. I will die of heat stroke.

It's bad enough that I only have a floor vent, and no ceiling vent to blast me with cold (read: sub 90-degree) air. But when that floor vent doesn't even work? And the downstairs is cooler, though the vents down there don't feel cold either. I will drown in my own sweat. It's been nice knowing you.

I have two options: sleep (with clothing) in the slightly cooler living room, or sleep naked in my room with the fan pointed at me. I guess I'll choose the latter. At least then I can die naked. It's good to be naked.

I could put in a maintenance request, I suppose. But we're moving out in a week and I doubt they'd get to it before that. Death will be painless and sweet (assuming I can get to sleep first). On the road to hyperthermia. I think I've stopped sweating; there is no water left in my body. Good night.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Happy Finals Week

"Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh."

Ecclesiastes 12:12

Friday, June 03, 2005

Reasons why I am an Idiot, #1

I was almost on time to class this morning. Almost. I left the apartment on time for the first time in several weeks. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. And then I forgot(?) to get off the bus at the right stop.

Disclaimer: Based on my calculations, this is actually the 642nd reason why I am an idiot. However, as this is the first documented reason, I'll start with number 1. Feel free to comment with successive reasons.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

More reading

So rather than study last night, I started rereading The Sun Also Rises. Probably because I finished the first Harry Potter and am still waiting for the second one from the library. Figured I'd might as well reread all my favorites, while I'm at it. It's funny, because in high school I hated this book. All the characters do is get drunk, and nothing really happens. But now that's why I love it, because it's so much like life.

Thursdays are booked

Last night I discovered sunburn on the top of my head from the Indy 500 this past weekend (pictures from which will be forthcoming). Probable countdown to massive peeling resembling gross dandruff: 3 days.

In other news, I reread the 1st Harry Potter book yesterday. The whole first book. Didn't go to any classes or anything, just read the book. It was wonderful. And then I went onto the Columbus Libraries website to reserve the 6th book (due out in July), only to discover I'm number 1629 on the waitlist. 1629?! I'm never going to get this book!

Additionally, Adam called me to inform me that the pool at his (soon to be my) apartment complex is open, and Thursdays from 6-8 is happy hour, with free beer. Free beer! (They limit you to 3 if you plan on swimming.) I'm allowed to bring guests, so if any of you want to accompany me after I move there in another week or so, feel free.