Thursday, June 09, 2005

My Weblogging History

Here is the sordid tale of how I got into "blogging."

The Anti-Live Journal
was my first attempt at this kind of thing, launched into a great existence by the douchiness of Live Journal. Be warned: this is a much more bitter and sarcastic side of myself, a side many have never seen (I'm much nicer now). It's from sophomore year. Actually, I kind of like this. Maybe I'll go back to this cynical view of everything--it would make for more entertaining reading.

After a couple months, I got bored with that format (I'm fickle), thus I created the continuation of The Anti-Live Journal, As Seen On TV. This one has fun new colors, and a picture! (The same picture used in my profile for this blog, in fact.)

And if you really want a glimpse into my past, I give you The Fish Files, the tragically comical (at least, it was comical in real life) account of my freshmen year roommate and her fish. Please note that The Fish Files reads from top to bottom, while the others read from bottom to top. (The Fish Files started as an ongoing Fishcount in my AIM profile when I was a freshmen. It was so entertaining (at least to me) that I decided to put it on the Internet.)

Note: This should keep you all entertained for a few days, as I will be moving/attending graduation and probably won't have time to post for a while. Because I am that interesting to read!


At 8:58 PM, Blogger James said...

Wow, you were hot when you were bitter and sarcastic! But I only would have boned you if you were still my student. Also, I'm drunk. Actually, the fish story was the best. I don't think you could top that. Unless you put Aaron in a terrarium. That would be sweet. By the way, I'm drunk.


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