Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My Air Conditioning Sucks

It is hot, and my air conditioning sucks. Upon coming home from El Vaquero/Graeter's/The Elevator around 11:30, I discovered that my bedroom was considerably warmer than the outdoor temperatures. Unbearably hot. I cannot take it. I will suffocate in here before the night is over.

The air conditioning was on, but no cold air seemed to be coming out of the vents. Changing my clothes, I noticed that the clothes I was putting on actually felt warmer to the touch than the clothes I had been wearing. I will not make it through the night.

I turned off the A/C about an hour ago and opened all the windows, fans a-blastin', to get some of the cooler (75ºF) outside air into my sweltering bedroom. I am sweating as I type this. This is misery. Why doesn't my air conditioning work? Damn second floor. Damn June. I will die of heat stroke.

It's bad enough that I only have a floor vent, and no ceiling vent to blast me with cold (read: sub 90-degree) air. But when that floor vent doesn't even work? And the downstairs is cooler, though the vents down there don't feel cold either. I will drown in my own sweat. It's been nice knowing you.

I have two options: sleep (with clothing) in the slightly cooler living room, or sleep naked in my room with the fan pointed at me. I guess I'll choose the latter. At least then I can die naked. It's good to be naked.

I could put in a maintenance request, I suppose. But we're moving out in a week and I doubt they'd get to it before that. Death will be painless and sweet (assuming I can get to sleep first). On the road to hyperthermia. I think I've stopped sweating; there is no water left in my body. Good night.


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