Thursday, August 25, 2005


I never really read biographies. In fact, I may never have read one. But today I went to the library to pick up a biography on Gandhi, and ended up picking up two more books. One is As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto, about that baby boy in the 60's with the botched circumcision who was then "converted" into a baby girl. The other is Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes, this guy who is trying to (or was trying to? he may have completed the goal?) run 300 miles at one time, without stopping. There was an article on him in Runner's World a while ago, and it was pretty interesting. So now I have 3 books to read. Should be a fun month.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

RIP, Conctact Lenses

About a month ago, I had quite a fun evening involving a bit of wine. The next morning, I discovered the contact solution I had used the night before was not conctact lens solution at all, but toothpaste.
And please note that, just are there are new pictures in the context of this "blog," so there are new picture links in the column to the right. Just like you always dreamed there would be.

Chemical Burn

So I spilled a Roundup and Scythe solution (herbicides) down my back at work today, because I'm really coordinated. Nothing really happened, except for two spots where my shoulder blades were in contact with the backpack sprayer, and therefore, my pesticide-soaked shirt.

Here you can see my chemical burn!

It's really not that bad... just two spots like this, one on either side of my back, that feel sort of like sunburn.

I was hoping I'd get some sweet battle scars, like the scar from lye shown in Fight Club. Guys only like chicks with scars, like gunshot scars, or puncture wound scars, or chemical burn scars...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Drunk Dial

It's been an interesting few days, involving me FINALLY getting an Out-R-Inn mug (after my 4th year of college), successfully getting a Winking Lizard glass (it was only the 2nd of the month), a brief appearance from Harry (who had to return promptly home to the wifey), and negotiations over an uncircumsized penis (check another item off my list).

It used to be when I was drunk, I would use instant messenger to send multiple people drunken IMs. Now, I use the phone, and one person alone regularly suffers the consequences. Ah, what having a boyfriend will do for your drunken communication.