Thursday, August 04, 2005

Drunk Dial

It's been an interesting few days, involving me FINALLY getting an Out-R-Inn mug (after my 4th year of college), successfully getting a Winking Lizard glass (it was only the 2nd of the month), a brief appearance from Harry (who had to return promptly home to the wifey), and negotiations over an uncircumsized penis (check another item off my list).

It used to be when I was drunk, I would use instant messenger to send multiple people drunken IMs. Now, I use the phone, and one person alone regularly suffers the consequences. Ah, what having a boyfriend will do for your drunken communication.


At 5:35 PM, Blogger James said...

Well, at least he doesn't record them and post them on the web.... Anyone who does that has to be a real dick!

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Ha, ha, ha, yes, for those of you whom I have never drunk-dialed, James has made this treat available to all!


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