Thursday, January 26, 2006

Late to Class

I woke up this morning at 8:25, 25 minutes or so after the start of my 8 a.m. class.

Note: This is the second time I have done this in 9 days.

Note: This is a class that I not only enjoy, but am required to attend (M-A-N-D-A-T-O-R-Y).

Last Tuesday, I decided to just skip the class to avoid the embarrassment of being an hour late to a 6-person lecture. Today, I sucked it up and went.

I was 54 minutes late. It wasn't so bad.

In both instances, I have been up late (4 a.m. late) the night before doing homework for said class. Under ordinary Kristin-at-college circumstances, this is not a problem. Hell, I've been sacrificing sleep rather successfully for years now. But somewhere in the time of the last year or so, I've lost my ability to go without sleep. I get tired earlier at night and (have been known to fall asleep at bars). I sleep in later on mornings (and have recently been known to sleep through classes).

I loath feeling tired, and I despise needing to sleep. Well-oiled machines don't sleep, so why should the human body, the most well-oiled machine of all, require it? Other than to increase the human lifespan beyond that of industrial machinery, sleep is a waste of time and a killer of productivity.


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