Today's Lantern had a story about a new restaurant opening on High Street called Cerealicious Café. According to the article, the restaurant will offer various cereal and topping options. And apparently, customers will be able to mix two kinds of cereal together.
Some cereal and some toppings in a bowl, and all this for the low low price of... $3.50. $3.50?! I can buy a whole box of cereal for $3.50.
A whole box, approximately 12 1-cup servings of cereal (according to the nutrition label on my Crispix), for $3.50. The nutrition label also recommends 1/2 cup of milk to go with cereal. One gallon of milk (approximately $3.00) is the equivalent of 16 cups, or 32 servings of cereal.
The least common denominator here is 96 servings of cereal. 96 1-cup servings of cereal in 8 boxes, about $3.50 each, totals $28. 96 1/2-cup servings of milk is the equivalent of 48 cups of milk, or 3 gallons, about $3 each, for a total of $9 dollars. $28+$9=$37 for 96 servings of cereal. That's about 38 cents per serving. Cerealicious would have to give you 9 cups of cereal with 4 1/2 cups of milk to make it worth your money. Don't go there.
Crispix sucks! Life is better!
Oh, and ice cream parlors, bars, and most restaurants also have ridiculous mark-ups. I think your just an anti-cerealite.
Life sucks, and then you Grape Nuts...
You know that there are just enough stupid college students to keep that place in business. Still, it's a creative idea.
Most restaurants and bars also offer a service to go with their markups that I couldn't easily perform at home. Cooking a tasty meal or mixing a smooth drink require talent. But I've been pouring my own bowls of cereal since I was 4 years old. I actually love cereal; in fact, I eat it almost every morning. I just think it's a no-talent-required food.
i think they just ripped off http://www.cereality.com
I'd like to see you do the math on soda and juices too. Most restaurants charge a whopping $2.50 for a glass of watered down cola. BUT when you buy a 2L bottle of coke, you don't get a glass, waiter, shelter, climate control and ambience... so don't listen to this penny pinching jerk AND GO TO CEREALICIOUS!! You will love it.
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