Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Humidifer that Aaron Built

Aaron is the technological giver to my hermit crabs. He built them this humidifier out of a CPU fan and a 12 volt power supply.

The fan, which runs off the power supply, has some stiff wires duct-taped to it to support the wicks (made of paper towels).

The air blows through the wicks and evaporates the water, thereby humidifying the aquarium. The wicks sit in a pool of (dechlorinated) water, which will need to be refilled more often if the tank is dry. The wicks also need to be changed every few days to prevent algae growth and smell.

The whole system is enclosed in a wire mesh cage so the crabs can climb around it without actually getting into it.

The wicks make a perfect spot to place the bulb of a thermometer to measure humidity. Keeping the bulb of one thermometer in the wet paper towels, and the bulb of another thermometer in a dry area allows for measuring the humidity. (The inspiration for this also came from Aaron, after my $11 hygrometer (T-Rex brand, don't buy it!) turned out to be worthless. Note - the hygrometers that are just a coil of metal with a needle on the end probably don't work that well.) I compare the temperatures of both thermometers using a table found here, which I like because it's in degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, Gladys changed back to her original shell.

Note: I think the hermit crabs are far more interesting than anything else I could write about, so that will probably be the majority of what I post about for a while.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

Humidifiers. Cool!

At 8:30 PM, Blogger James said...

Wow, that makes me want to sleep with Aaron, too!

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, kristin has crabs


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