Friday, October 28, 2005

Halloween Costume Construction Part 3

Tear up (5) heads of lettuce into large pile of leaves.

Lay out all leaves on newspapers to spray with clear coat. Discover that the "clear coat" you thought you bought has a green cap and is therefore green. Discover this at midnight. Drive 20 minutes to Meijer to buy an actual clear coat.

Notice ridiculous quantity of leaves. Notice author's regular inability to estimate. Realize that you do not have enough paint to coat all the leaves with clear coat. Realize this at 2:00 a.m. (when you have to be at work at 8:00). Drive 20 minutes BACK to Meijer to buy two more cans of clear coat. Finally, at 4:15 a.m., finish painting (BOTH SIDES) of all leaves.

Have a moment of guilt: people are starving all over the world, and you are spray-painting good edible food. Realize that lettuce offers almost no nutritional value, and feel better about yourself again.

Feel slightly bested that your roommate is welding his costume together, while yours is made of wire frame (see previous two posts). Then remember that YOU are the one who stayed up until 4:21 a.m. (with the alarm set for 7:00) to make your sweet Halloween costume.

Also keep in mind that said costume is far from finished.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Halloween Costume Construction Part 2

Twist wire pieces into intricate wire frame.

Reinforce joints with duct tape.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Halloween Costume Construction Part 1

Halloween Costume Construction Part 1: Lay out pieces for wire frame.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Today is Friday. What did I do this evening?

I went to the library, went running, ate pizza, and watched TV. Now I think I'm going to go to bed, despite it being not quite 10:00. This ranks among the best Fridays of my life. Hello, new leaf.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Taco Bell

Saying on recent Taco Bell hot sauce packet:

"Nice palm. I read a great deal of pleasure in your future."

I guess this makes sense with tacos in mind, but I think the other connotation is much better.