The Kraft vs. Kroger Macaroni and Cheese Cookoff: Spirals
Kraft macaroni costs more than the Kroger brand, so Adam and I decided to see if the extra cost was really worth it. Prepare to be amazed:
The Competitors:
Adam cooks the Macaroni, according to the instructions on the boxes. Kroger shows an advantage, with a cook time of 4-6 minutes, compared to Kraft's 8-10 minutes.
The finished products, ready for tasting!
Adam samples some tasty mac-n-cheese:
And the winner is:

If you're buying spirals, don't waste your money on Kraft.
I heartily agree with the results of this survey. (Well, not Kroger brand specifically, but most generick powdery brands) There is one caveat, however: Make sure the box of mac and cheese hasn't been expired for 3 years, mostly because the powdery cheese will turn a darker brown and become one chunky block of not-quite-cheese. This did not stop me from eating it.
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