Friday, July 29, 2005

What's the matter with kids today?

Yesterday at work, a bunch of kids on a daycamp came to the Arboretum, and we had to entertain them with various activities throughout the afternoon. I was working the repot-a-coleus-to-take-home station.

All was well and good, except that a significant number of the kids wanted to know (immediately after transplanting their coleus) where they could wash their hands. Wash their hands?! They're kids! (Between the ages of 5 and 12, I might add.) They're supposed to love getting dirty! Seriously, whatever these children's parents are doing to them is not right. They should enjoy getting messy, not be afraid of it. I think a lot of parents are doing more harm than good for their kids.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Summer of My Content

Aside from working and sleeping, my summer consists of (in no particular order): eating, reading, running, sitting at the pool, and drinking. Life is good.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Traffic Lights

I've heard the rumor that, in the event a traffic light is not working (most likely due to a power outtage), it becomes a 4-way (or all-way) stop. Is this true? Because I treat this as true, but it seems no one else does. But honestly, I'm pretty sure, when the power is out at the light, you're supposed to stop. People are such douchebags.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Kraft vs. Kroger Macaroni and Cheese Cookoff: Spirals

Kraft macaroni costs more than the Kroger brand, so Adam and I decided to see if the extra cost was really worth it. Prepare to be amazed:

The Competitors:

Adam cooks the Macaroni, according to the instructions on the boxes. Kroger shows an advantage, with a cook time of 4-6 minutes, compared to Kraft's 8-10 minutes.

The finished products, ready for tasting!

Adam samples some tasty mac-n-cheese:

The Official Scorecards

And the winner is:

If you're buying spirals, don't waste your money on Kraft.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fuck Me

All I want is a computer that will fucking read my fucking digital camera so I can look at my fucking pictures. Goddammit.