Thursday, March 10, 2005

Mom's Opinion

Here, and I quote, is a letter from my mother:

"Dear Kristin,

"Please read the enclosed article* (from the Akron Beacon Journal) and the letter** from Matty designs. I feel that you are making a big mistake by changing your major, especially at this late date. An engineering degree can help you in many career possibilities. With horticulture, you will probably have a hard time finding a decent job.

"You are a smart girl and can do anything you want! You may want to go to law school some day, or even teach (remember Mr. Shane...)

"Anyway, please read these things and think carefully about your future.

"Love, Mom"

*The article, "Let's Get Technical," from The Akron Beacon Journal, is about how hiring for engineers, specifically chemical, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineers, is up in the Greater Akron area. Keep in mind that my engineering major was NONE OF THESE.

**The text of the letter follows:

"Dear D---- and A----,

"The family at Matty Designs would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to your neighborhood. We are a landscape maintenance and design company with the knowledge and experience to fulfill your landscape dreams. James Matty carries over 12 years of field experience in landscape maintenance, design, and installation, and is backed by 2 degrees from The Ohio State University in landscape design and horticulture.

"Over the next few weeks we will be conducting free estimates for lawn maintenance, organic pest control, designs, and tree pruning in the Fairlawn-Copley area. Most of these estimates take only a few minutes and most of the time we can give you prices on site."

...The letter goes on to talk about the services the company offers.

Now, the letter was a little corny, and I know I could write a better one (or at least one that doesn't talk about "landscape dreams"). But honestly, is that supposed to discourage me? The fact that someone with a degree in horticulture owns a landscaping business, and the people with engineering degrees will be making bearings (boring) for Timken or boiler parts (like, gag me with a spoon) for B&W (as the context of the article stated), is supposed to make me want to be an engineer? Right.


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear mom and Kristin,
Sorry i am not much of a writer, but I do what I can.I would much rather you spent your time talking about your future, and not about my poor "corny letter" (altough I would probably agree with you)writing. as i read much of this post i realized there was a lot of critisism on others and little mentioned about your internal and external paths for actually going after the future (plan of attack so to speak). so i will offer you this; you live with in our work territory, come work us and see if horticulture is something you will truely enjoy! You may be able to recieve internship credits.
why did you send that letter to kristin mom, was it because i am an Ohio State Grad, or to show what she can accoplish in this field, or maybe to show her i own the company and still get my hands dirty.
Either way I wish you the best of luck in your future at Ohio State and in your decisions for your future. By the way you were correct about the letters, I do sign my name and have others do the mailing addresses. the reason for this, my hand writing is a mess and the letters would probably never make it to their destination if i did the writing on the envelope.

James R. Matty
Give me a call i would love your ideas for the next letter!


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