Friday, February 25, 2005

Major Change

Well, I did it. It's really a very terrifying thing, changing one's major at the end of the fourth year of school. But I did it anyway, and it's a little bit exhilarating to look outside the College of Engineering for a degree, like the sane folk in the world do.

So it'll take an extra quarter--so what? It was already going to take my 5 years; might as well make it 5+. And this way, I will have attended six (count them, 6) football seasons during my undergrad time at OSU, an accomplishment if I ever saw one. And if I don't like it after a quarter, I can always take a little sabbatical from college to decide what I actually want to do.

Here begins Kristin's Adventures in Landscape Horticulture, subtitled What Should I Do with My Life?.


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