Monday, December 06, 2004


Today I put off studying for my finals (the first of which is tomorrow) to go climbing. Some might argue that this was a mistake, but I assure you, it was necessary. I hadn't done anything active since last Saturday, and I'd been thinking since Thursday how it felt like my legs were dissolving themselves. Atrophy is such a bitch.

Some people think this is all in my head, but I assure you it really happens. My thighs had been burning of sloth for days now, to the point of actually being physically painful. When I climbed tonight, I definitely did not have the endurance that I had even a week ago. Maybe I'm just a compulsive exerciser.

Now, I am putting off studying even longer by posting this. And it's not even about anything interesting. I apologize to you, gentle readers, few in numbers though you may be.


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