So there's this kitty that hangs around my apartment complex (sex TBD), and it's very friendly. It's not shy at all; in fact, it often comes up the steps and tries to get into the apartment. Kitty doesn't look skinny (it has long hair), but when I pet it, I can feel its little kitty bones. Further inspection reveals that Kitty has no claws and is therefore probably somewhat limited in its ability to catch food.
I want to adopt Kitty, but my lease says I'm not allowed. Instead, my roommates and I watch the kitty and, because we are suckers for poor defenseless fluffy animals with no claws, feed it. In fact, I bought some dry cat food at the store today. (I'm not the first to do this - I have seen cat food on the steps of the Neighbors to the Right.)
So I fed Kitty, and then I headed out to see the Warren Miller movie. On my way out the door (Kitty was still there), a Neighbor to the Left asked if it was my cat and if I had fed it. She seemed rather upset when I told her "no," and "yes." She said it's never going to leave if we feed it, and that it always hangs around her steps. So what am I supposed to do, let it starve to death because someone was cruel enough to declaw it and then turn it loose? That's just not my style.
Do I foresee a possible war, my apartment (and possibly Neighbors to the Right) vs. Neighbors to the Left? Stay tuned.
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