Monday, December 20, 2004

Kitty (continued)

A while ago (two weeks?), the Neighbor to the Left said that she complained to the rental company that I was feeding the cat, and that I would be receiving a letter shortly. I have yet to receive said letter. In fact, I haven't seen any of the Neighbors to the Left since then. Maybe they died of bad karma.

Anyway, the kitty (who turned out to be a boy) is inside my apartment now because it is cold outside. I'm going to take him to my parents' house Wednesday so they can adopt him (I've talked to my mother about this, but not my father). His names (he does have more than one, according to T.S. Eliot) will be Kitty, and Mustafa.

My only dilemna right now is what to do with Kitty/Mustafa when I leave for the evening. I can't let him back out - it's cold outside! But what if I leave him inside and he drops a kitty log? What to do, what to do...


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