Thursday, April 27, 2006

Some Lovin' for the Blog

On Aaron's request, I'm giving my blog some lovin'.

I warned him that I had nothing interesting to write about it (my life has been nothing but school for the past 6 weeks), and he told me just to write about my menstrual cycles.

So. I had another period last week. It was fantastic. I used primarily regular absorbancy tampons, but I did require a few super absorbancy tampons. On Wednesday, I was craving sugar. I ate a cinammon roll after lunch, and I indulged in mint chocolate chip ice cream and oreos after dinner. Like I said, fantastic.

On Saturday, I thought I was done bleeding (I'm usually done by Thursday or Friday, thanks to the regularity of the Pill), so I didn't wear any protection. Of course, I stained my underwear. Of course, it was a cute pair of underwear. Damn.

(You can thank Aaron for this one.)