Thursday, April 28, 2005


Took a study break to go climbing with Craig. This is the first time I have ever lacked enthusiasm at the climbing gym. Everything I care about eventually dissolves into apathy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Did the Short North Tavern always have free peanuts? Because they did last night.

Also, last night, rather than have another long island with Adam, I opted for water. This could be the first time I have ever made an intelligent decision while drunk. It took me four years to figure out that I don't have to match my drinking companion(s) drink for drink.

Also, I posted new (old) pictures from ski season. Behold: Ski Team - Senior Run and Ski Season Fun

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I *heart* Mike Nugent

Man, Denver blows. But I might become a Jets fan.

I went to Guitar Center yesterday and watched my uncle rock out. He's really sweet--he probably could have gone a long way if he had tried. I don't think the musical gene carried on in the rest of my family. It's like his totally awesome musical gene got divided up among his nieces and nephews into seven semi-okay music genes. Oh well, what can you do?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

New Pictures!

This is part 59A. I got to count these and add them to the inventory at work. Yippee!

But I didn't upload just this one picture. No, I have uploaded many pictures! For your viewing pleasure: St. Patrick's Day pictures, NYC pictures, and pictures from Aa's last night in Columbus. These also appear on the sidebar so you can look at them any time you want. Because I am that interesting.

Friday, April 15, 2005

MIT, Disco Style

I wasn't going to post anything this afternoon. I was going to sit in the store and fill orders and be a productive employee. And I was! So now I have nothing to do but post this (and you should be glad I did, because it's totally sweet).

Some M.I.T. students built an LED disco floor in their dorm. It's awesome. Totally fucking awesome. Check it out. (Be sure to watch the video).

I never knew the library could be so much fun!

So the other day I was trying to go to the Columbus Metropolitan Library website, But I couldn't remember the address, exactly, and instead typed Oops-Good thing I'm not an innocent little kid trying to reserve a See Spot Run book.

And, since this page is looking a little boring with all text and no pictures, I'll leave you with this:

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'll plug your blog, too, in return for sex.

I already linked to this in the sidebar, but in case you weren't planning on doing so, you should check out my buddy (no longer at OSU) Mike's blog. Specifically, the part about his alter-ego, Douchebag Joe. If you like reading about people you've (probably) never met, I mean.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Kentucky's Fertile Soil

Here's an article from Cleveland's Scene Magazine about eradicating pot in Kentucky. Maybe Aa should buy a plot of land somewhere near the Ohio/West Virgina border...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Here's a good idea! On AEP's website, they have a page where customers can report power outages online! What a neat idea. Except that, and maybe I'm just crazy, but when my power goes out, it means I can't use my computer, seeing as how it plugs into the wall and all.

Monday, April 11, 2005


The trouble with shaving is that, by the time you go through your day and then drive all the way to Kentucky, your legs are prickly again.

Friday, April 08, 2005


A rather significant piece of toenail fell off my second toe on the right foot today. Hmm...

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Went to Pockets with AH tonight. I'd never been there, but it was fun because they have free pool on Thursday nights. It was especially fun because they had a Hungry Hungry Hippoes tournament. I made it to the final round and was 2 marbles short of winning a pizza, but I did win a Budweiser pint glass. Yay pint glass!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Self Magazine advice

From the April issue of Self Magazine:

Don't want to inherit Grandma's arthritic joints? Go easy on her meat loaf. People who eat 14 ounces of red meat weekly may double their risk for inflammatory arthritis compared with those who eat less than 7 ounces, a study in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism suggests. The high collagen content in meat could be a factor in an immune system response that affects joints. Instead of steak, reach for protein-rich foods like nuts, legumes and tofu.

Team In Training

I got a brochure in the mail today from Team In Training, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's fundraising program through which participants raise money for leukemia and lymphoma research while at the same time receiving coaching to run or walk a marathon or half-marathon, compete in a triathlon, or cycle 100 miles.

I've received Team In Training literature before, but I never really paid it much attention until today. But I realized that the likeliness of me sticking with a program is much greater if I have a coach who is not me. I'm not committing yet, but I am going to an informational meeting in three weeks. We'll see.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


I may have found something to do with my summer. Highline Trail Llamas needs summer help to care for their animals. I'd get a small wage, and free housing in a Wyoming town of 30 (30!) people. Sweet.